Part of our garden is set aside as a cutting garden. As you can see, come June it is brimming over with flowers for cutting, leaving enough flowers in bloom to put on a show and to provide much need food reserves for pollinating insects.
We grow lots of annuals including Cosmos, Zinnias, Cornflowers, Sweet Peas, Foxgloves, Marigolds and Nigella but have also included some perennials such as the Lady's Mantle (Alchemilla mollis), Lavender, Thrift and Marjorum which line the edges of the beds. Added to this, we grow lots of Dahlias which all seem to have survived the cold winter we experienced, thanks to a thick duvet of mulch. The first flower buds are just forming on the dahlias and once in flower, they will provide cut flowers until the first frosts. They are a must for any cutting patch.